Randi Carnahan

Links & Resources


Here's a few helpful links......if you'd like to request or recommend others, please let me know!


Fairbanks North Star Borough  http://www.co.fairbanks.ak.us/

FNSB School District http://www.k12northstar.org/

Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce http://fairbankschamber.org/ 

Employment http://www.jobs.alaska.gov/ 

Fairbanks Daily News Miner http://www.newsminer.com/

Fairbanks Convention & Visitors Bureau http://www.explorefairbanks.com/

City of North Pole http://www.northpolealaska.com/

Fairbanks, Alaska Culture & Events Calendar http://fairbanksalaska.com/

Interior Alaska Weather Conditions http://www.arh.noaa.gov/wmofcst.php?wmo=FPAK53PAFG&type=public



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